Digital Devalue Chain of Counterfeits

Join us in scaling down the far-reaching consequences of criminal counterfeiting

The Digital Devalue Chain

Through AAFA’s Brand Protection Council, AAFA advocates for the protection of intellectual property rights; builds awareness of the dangers of counterfeits to businesses, consumers, workers, and the environment. 

Nefarious counterfeiters, masked behind the anonymity provided by online platforms due to little, or no, front-end verification, can take advantage of consumers. Never has the counterfeit problem been at the scale it is today, from dupe influencers, text messages, fraudulent advertisements, hidden links and fake websites to the actual counterfeit products being sold to unwitting consumers across platforms – this is a full online 'Digital Devalue Chain of Counterfeits.'

Explained: Digital Devalue Chain of Counterfeits

AAFA members invest millions to build, train, and inspect supply chains to ensure that the clothes, shoes, and accessories bought and worn by American families are not only fashionable and affordable but are also ethically and sustainably sourced and made, and safe for consumers. 

Counterfeiters have a different view of the world. Their entire business model is based on stealing somebody else’s innovation and identity, so it is with little remorse that they exploit workers, engage in wage theft, employ shoddy factories, dump hazardous waste into rivers and lakes, and use dangerous chemicals. When they lure folks into buying their fake products, they often dabble in more thievery, exposing consumers to financial scams. The fact that authentic brands invest so much in social and ethical effort only widens the profit margins of counterfeiters because they are often able to score a sale, without paying for any of the compliance while duping customers into believing has occurred.  


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Access a deeper dive   [PPT]

Questions? Contact Jennifer Hanks, Senior Director, Brand Protection. 


AAFA Members:
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