The KnowTheChain Benchmark on Forced Labor – The Results

Monday, June 7, 2021 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET
Online, Via Zoom


Open Industry.


Apparel and footwear companies are facing significant forced labor risks across their supply chains—and failure to address such risks is becoming increasingly costly, from a reputational, legal, and financial perspective. This joint American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) / Fair Labor Association (FLA) webinar briefing will share the findings of KnowTheChain’s third apparel and footwear benchmark, looking at the efforts of the largest global companies in the sector to address forced labor risks in supply chains. The webinar will focus on changes in practices over time, good practice examples, sector gaps, and discuss what strong supply chain human rights due diligence looks like. It will further be an opportunity to hear about the work of the Fair Labor Association and the Apparel & Footwear Association to address forced labor risks with member companies across supply chain contexts.

Call information will be provided in the "Notes" section of your registration confirmation.


  • Felicitas Weber, Project Director, KnowTheChain, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
  • Renee Bowers, Senior Director, Social Compliance, Fair Labor Association (FLA)
  • Nate Herman, Senior Vice President, American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA)



Nate Herman