Brand Building with AAFA

Connect to an audience of 35,000 professionals from 4,200 brands, retailers, and suppliers through AAFA’s industry gateway. Our educational events, committee meetings, online offerings, and communication channels provide businesses with opportunities to drive business development, create brand differentiation, and showcase content expertise.

The 2025 Engagement & Advertising Opportunities Kit is now available. Contact Megan Balkovic to design your customized package today. 

Sponsor & Advertise

AAFA Member companies connect with niche audiences by sponsoring events and programs that get you seen and heard. You'll create a 12-month marketing package of sponsorships and advertisements. Select the level that meets your investment goals – Affiliate Partner, Affiliate Leader, Affiliate Supporter. Single event & a la carte sponsorships are available but limited.

Non-member companies can purchased ads that gets your business in front of the broader apparel and footwear industry. Not a member? Contact

Customized Package Levels

Three levels of recognition let you maximize your engagement and plan for a full year (12 months investment).
  • Affiliate Partner
  • Affiliate Leader
  • Affiliate Supporter
Design a Package

Event & Program Sponsorships

  • Educational Events
  • C-suite Programs
  • In-person Committee Meetings
  • Online Offerings: Industry Chats, Webinars, Service Provider Spotlights
Request Availability


  • Run of site at
  • Committee Call Registration Pages
  • The Weekly Brief e-newsletter
  • Monthly Program eblasts
  • Quarterly Member-only eblasts
Book Ad Space
Please contact Megan Balkovic if you receive solicitations to purchase contact information of AAFA members or event attendees. Please do not click on any links from non-affiliated AAFA organizations or in suspicious e-mails. See the AAFA privacy policy to learn more.